Let's Play! 玩轉復活節 (1)

Let’s Play! 玩轉復活節 Recap

This Easter break, Mama Tribe HK and Little Monkey collaborated to take parents and their kids out for some fun romping around. For those that joined us, they were able to hear the shrieks and laughter from little smiling faces (behind masks) as they played and competed with each other and their own parents!

Some told us their favorite part were the colorful balls and the box, some loved the giant rope and kept going back to it, but most told us that they were happiest just being outdoors and playing with their parents!

The first couple of days were scorching hot but that didn’t stand in the way of a child and their play time. By the third day, we had some kids running through the sprinklers and that became a game in and of itself! We also love to see the kids come up with their own version of the games and made some friends along the way.

We want to say thank you to all the parents to entrust in us again with their time and their little ones. In addition, we want to say a huge thank you to our sponsors for the awesome goodies and valuable vouchers. Please always consider supporting local businesses!

Mama Tribe HK 和小猴子(Little Monkey HK)於今個復活節假期𢹂手合作,一同帶領了一班家長和小孩外出玩樂。孩子們跟父母與同伴在活動上盡情嬉戲,享受比賽的過程,在場的每一位無不感受到歡樂的氣氛:小孩的歡聲笑語不絕於耳,口罩更是藏不住他們天真的笑臉。




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