CDM Event Graphic Edited

Little Monkey’s Next Adventure:
Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum
May 25th, 2019 (12:30 – 3pm)
日期: 2019年5月25日 (下午12時30分至下午3時)

Are you ready to join us at our next event? This May, we have partnered with Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum to give our members a special discounted price for their 12:30pm session on Saturday May 25th, 2019. Based on the membership tier, you can enjoy a discount from 6% up to a full 100% discount (FREE) entry for one adult and one child or one adult and one infant.

The Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum (CDM) opened in September 2018 to give children a venue ”to explore, create, and express themselves”. They share the same belief as Little Monkey that children learn best through play and exploration. What we love the most is that there are exhibits to help children and parents to better understand how to be more eco-concious and be aware of our Hong Kong environment in a fun and interesting way. Read their Mission and Vision here.

There are limited sets of tickets so get your tickets fast! Email us with how many tickets you need of which type along with your membership ID (email address). We will then check your membership tier and send back the discounted price you can enjoy. Please see below for the discount base on tiers.


香港兒童探索館於2018年9月中開幕,是一個可讓小朋友探索、創造和表達自己的地方。其理念與 Little Monkey (小猴子)不謀而合,旨在希望小朋友在玩樂及探索的過程中學習到豐富的知識。值得一讚的是館內設有不同的展區,以生動有趣的方式讓小朋友及家長更深入了解本港的生態環境,從而提高大家的環保意識。詳情可參閱該館網頁



Member Tier 


Child + Adult 

兒童 + 成人

Infant + Adult 

嬰兒 + 成人

Newbie                          (First 5 Reviews)

初學者 (首5條評論)

$180 $170 HKD                        (6% discount)

$180 港幣 $170  (94折)

$150 $141 HKD                            (6% discount)

$150 港幣 $141  (94折)

Beginner                       (Up to 10 reviews)

新手 (10條評論及以下)

$180 $170 HKD                        (6% discount)

$180 港幣 $170  (94折)

$150 $141 HKD                            (6% discount)

$150 港幣 $141  (94折)

Novice                            (Up to 25 reviews)

見習 (25條評論及以下)

$180 $170 HKD                        (6% discount)

$180 港幣 $170  (94折)

$150 $141 HKD                           (6% discount)

$150 港幣 $141  (94折)

Intermediate                (Up to 50 reviews)

中階 (50條評論及以下)

$180 $145 HKD                        (19% discount)

$180 港幣 $145  (81折)

$150 $121.5 HKD                        (19% discount)

$150 港幣 $121.5  (81折)

Advanced                      (Up to 75 reviews)

高階 (75條評論及以下)

$180 $145 HKD                        (19% discount)

$180 港幣 $145  (81折)

$150 $121.5 HKD                        (19% discount)

$150 港幣 $121.5  (81折)

Professional                  (Up to 100 reviews)

專業 (100條評論及以下)

$180 $145 HKD                       (19% discount)

$180 港幣 $145  (81折)

$150 $121.5 HKD                          (19% discount)

$150 港幣 $121.5  (81折)

Insider                            (Up to 150 reviews)

內幕 (150條評論及以下)

$180 $90 HKD                        (50% discount)

$180 港幣 $90  (5折)

$150 $75 HKD                               (50% discount)

$150 港幣 $75  (5折)

Elite                                 (Above 150 reviews)

精英 (超過150評論)

$180 $0 HKD FREE               (100% DISCOUNT)

$180 港幣 $0 (免費)

$150 $0 HKD FREE                      (100% DISCOUNT)

$150 港幣 $0  (免費)

*Special Pricing is for Little Monkey members only and is based on their membership tier for the combo of one adult (12-65 years old) and one child (1-12 years old) or the combo of one adult (12-65 years old) and one infant (under 1 year old).
*Additional infant/child/adult will be able to enjoy 5% discounts – infant: $76 HKD/child: $105 HKD/adult: $66.5 HKD
*Limit one child/infant and adult set per member ID.
*Membership tier at time of purchase is used for calculation of price
*Terms & Condition of Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum applies

*優惠價只適用於 Little Monkey (小猴子) 的會員及按會員等級劃分,門票可供一位成人(年齡介乎12-65歲)
*額外入場的每位嬰兒 / 兒童 /成人將享有95折優惠
(嬰兒 : 港幣76元/ 兒童 : 港幣105元/成人: 港幣66.5元)


Little Monkey looks forward to seeing you and your little one soon!
Little Monkey (小猴子) 期待與您跟您的小寶貝會面!



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