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FACEBOOK LIVE: #StrongerTogether 直播:一起學習如何輕鬆抗疫 — 小朋友「玩乜嘢好」

Click 入Facebook 活動 並選擇出席可以於今個星期五請來分享嘉賓 Little Monkey HK @littlemonkeyhongkong 的Chhin Lee,一齊傾吓小朋友最鍾意問嘅問題「玩乜嘢好」!

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Outdoor Kid Activities During Covid-19

During this time of pandemic, the automatic reaction from parents is how to survive with the kids at home. A lot of parents also worry about the kids’ school work and how to keep up academics. Here at Little Monkey, we advise parents to take advantage of this time away from school to let the […]

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Baumhaus Sets Sail Party

Ready to sing, act, dance, and go aboard another adventure? Well, we invite you to come aboard the Baumhaus Set Sail Party as they chart new paths for the families in the community. Come join us on July 7th at their newly opened Annex next to their Wan Chai flagship centre.  The new Baumhaus Annex, a […]

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Little Monkey’s Next Adventure:
Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum
May 25th, 2019 (12:30 – 3pm)
日期: 2019年5月25日 (下午12時30分至下午3時)

Are you ready to join us at our next event? This May, we have partnered with Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum to give our members a special discounted price for their 12:30pm session on Saturday May 25th, 2019. Based on the membership tier, you can enjoy a discount from 6% up to a full 100% […]

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