INSPIRING PARENTS OF HONG KONG – Having Kids in HK: Pros, Cons, and Tips
鼓舞人心的香港家長 – 在港養育小孩的利弊與小貼士

Little Monkey started out as Hong Kong’s first directory of child-friendly facilities but we want to give back more to parents. In addition to this main objective, we added three goals to Little Monkey’s vision – 1) foster happy childhood, 2) promote families to live an eco-conscious lifestyle, and 3) instill confidence in parents in believing in themselves again. Because let’s be honest here, happy parents mean a happy home and that translates to happier kids.

Being a parent anywhere in the world today is not an easy role. But what about being a parent in Hong Kong you may ask? How is that different than being a parent elsewhere? So we created the “Inspiring Parents of Hong Kong” project.

As part of our research, we explored some of the pros and cons of raising a child in the diverse melting pot of Hong Kong. After interviewing seven sets of unique parents, it seems that most parents face the same issues around the world no matter the family background. We found that all sorts of suggestions and wise words come the way of parents and will continue to be, but as long as parents are confident, stick to their guts and intuition in how they want to raise their little ones, it relieves a lot of the stress from parenting.

See for yourself and don’t just take our word for it. Join us in discovering the experiences and tips shared by these seven sets of parents living in Hong Kong and how they navigate through the noise surrounding them to help their little ones to achieve their hopes and dreams. We will release videos every Wednesday so be sure to catch them here on the blog and on our new Youtube channel!





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