INSPIRING PARENTS OF HONG KONG – Having Kids in HK: Pros, Cons, and Tips
鼓舞人心的香港家長 – 在港養育小孩的利弊與小貼士

Belinda Choi and Jacky Chan

Belinda and Jacky married at the tender age of 21 and 23 after meeting at a party while studying at University in the UK. Now with 2 kids, Belinda builds playgrounds and Jacky is a Fitness Personal trainer, together they live in a household with 3 generations. With their full time careers, see what they say are the biggest struggles and reward of raising kids in Hong Kong.

在英國念大學期間,年僅21歲的Belinda與23歲的Jacky在一場派對邂逅後便決定結婚。二人現時育有兩個小孩,Belinda 是遊樂場建築師,Jacky則是私人健身教練,他們與長輩三代同堂一起居住。且看看這對全職工作的夫婦在香港養育小孩所遇到的困難和得著吧。

Thank you to Baby Basic for giving us the venue for our parent interview. Check out their free small play area, nursing and changing corner (View Pictures) to help parents out when they are in the heart of Central, Hong Kong.

鳴謝鳴謝Baby Basic 提供場地予我們為家長進行訪談。場內有免費小型遊樂場,護理及育嬰室 (View Pictures) 可供家長們外出中環時使用。

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