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FACEBOOK LIVE: #StrongerTogether 直播:一起學習如何輕鬆抗疫 — 小朋友「玩乜嘢好」

Click 入Facebook 活動 並選擇出席可以於今個星期五請來分享嘉賓 Little Monkey HK @littlemonkeyhongkong 的Chhin Lee,一齊傾吓小朋友最鍾意問嘅問題「玩乜嘢好」!

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Building a Better Relationship with Technology for Children

Our 10th episode of the Parenting Talk Series is with Arcadia Kim, who is the founder of Infinite Screen Time. With this pandemic, screen time is a major issue for most parents. As we rely on technology to help us on our daily parenting journey while at the same time fear the damage this screen […]

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Cloth Diapering – All You Need to Know

Cloth diapering was how our ancestors diaper their babies but with the invention of disposable diapers, we became dependent on disposable diapers. However, this dependence comes at a great cost not just to our environment but also to our child’s health. With many new cloth diapering systems available in the market today, adopting cloth diapers is easier than ever.

We have invited a cloth diaper expert, Victoria Chuard (Founder of Just Peachy), to show us all there is to know about cloth diapering. From how they work to selecting the right one for you and your family, plus tips and tricks to make the two-year journey of diapering simple and easy.

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A Pandemic’s Effect on a Child’s Growth and Development

Our fourth episode of “Parenting Talk Series” is one that every parent should watch, whether you’re in HK or anywhere else in the world. Our topic this time is about how this pandemic has affected our children’s growth and development. We brought in Yvonne Becher, Chief Executive and the Director of Learning at the Child Development Centre (Hong Kong) (CDC) to give us her expertise in helping us understand what’s happening to our children during this time and some tips on what we as parents can do to help.

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Sleep Training - The Good, the Bad, and Is It for Your Family?

Sleep Training – The Good, the Bad, and Is It for Your Family?

Our second episode of “Parenting Talk Series” is on the topic of Sleep Training – The Good, the Bad, and Is It for Your Family? We interviewed Mandy To of GoodNight GoodDay Child Sleep Consultancy to understand how sleep training works, some tips and advice on sleep training your child yourself and what are some issues sleep training help resolve – all so you can decide if sleep training is right for your family.

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Parenting Talk Series Visual

Connecting with Your Child to Encourage “Acceptable Behaviour” during Good and Challenging Time

On our first episode of our “Parenting Talk Series,” we interviewed Odette Umali from Gordon Parenting and Deepa Gupta from Supportive Parenting by RAE for tips and advice on connecting with your child to encourage better behaviours.  Below is a recap of what we spoke about to help busy parents.

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INSPIRING PARENTS OF HONG KONG – Having Kids in HK: Pros, Cons, and Tips
鼓舞人心的香港家長 – 在港養育小孩的利弊與小貼士

Anastasia Moskvina and David Leung

A mutual friend introduced Anastasia to David, while he was traveling in St. Peterburg, Russia and they became good friends. Years later, Anastasia took an educational internship in China, Zhuhai, which happened to be right next to Hong Kong, where David comes from. They found sparks and started dating, until Anastasia moved to Hong Kong. […]

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INSPIRING PARENTS OF HONG KONG – Having Kids in HK: Pros, Cons, and Tips
鼓舞人心的香港家長 – 在港養育小孩的利弊與小貼士

Leena Chandrashekhar

Currently a mom entrepreneur with her own company in Hong Kong, Dip in Fresh – which makes fresh dips, artisan baked goods, and healthy snacks from scratch, Leena came from an executive background working in Health care Fortune 500 companies in India and Asia Pacific region . After rolling the dice with a marriage arranged […]

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INSPIRING PARENTS OF HONG KONG – Having Kids in HK: Pros, Cons, and Tips
鼓舞人心的香港家長 – 在港養育小孩的利弊與小貼士

Katrina Ma and Simon Leung

Katrina and Simon met through mutual friends and despite their age gap, fell in love and decided to raise a family right away after marriage. Although Katrina is a teacher in Hong Kong, you might be surprised by this couple’s parenting style in raising two daughters in Hong Kong and what they have in common […]

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INSPIRING PARENTS OF HONG KONG – Having Kids in HK: Pros, Cons, and Tips
鼓舞人心的香港家長 – 在港養育小孩的利弊與小貼士

Belinda Choi and Jacky Chan

Belinda and Jacky married at the tender age of 21 and 23 after meeting at a party while studying at University in the UK. Now with 2 kids, Belinda builds playgrounds and Jacky is a Fitness Personal trainer, together they live in a household with 3 generations. With their full time careers, see what they say are the […]

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